These activities are NOT organized by Greenville Triathlon Club, nor are they sanctioned by USA Triathlon. Please contact the group organizer directly for any questions. We try to keep this page updated, but stay connected on Facebook for the most up-to-date information. That is also where we'll share single events that do not repeat weekly.

6:00 am - Greenville Splash Masters - Salvation Army Kroc Center
424 Westfield St., Greenville, SC, 864-527-5948 -1 hr - Try a session!
7:00 am - Try out a trial session at Sportclub Five Forks with the Sportsclub Masters Swim Club!
Where: Sportsclub Five Forks
317 Scuffletown Rd, Simpsonville, SC 29681
About: 1 hour/ ~2,000-2,500 yards
Group: Sportsclub Masters Swim Club
Open Water Swimming: Join Greenville open water swimmers on
Facebook for up-to-date open water swimming information

6:00 pm

- Monday Watermelon Ride - Lake Bowen Baptist
6:00 pm - Reidville Ride
Where: Reidville Elementary School
520 Main St Reidville, SC 29375, United States
About: 12-16 mph beginner (NO BEGINNER THIS WEEK) for 14.4 miles and 17.5 mph regular for ~28-30 miles - VERY Windy/Bring Lights!
Group: The Freewheelers of Spartanburg (Join today for live email updates!)

5:30 am - URC TR Trailblazers Monday Morning Run - Trailblazer Park - Courtesy Steven Wygand/URC Trailblazers Run Group
6:00 pm - New Realm Pub Run — FIRST Monday of every month! - ~3.1 miles - Courtesy @Upstate Running Club
6:00 pm - Monday Milers Run Group - (This month, June 2024) Sidewall Pizza @ 99 Cleveland Street- Courtesy Monday Milers Greenville, SC Run Group
6:15 pm - New Groove Run Club - New Groove Artisan Brewery, 4078 South Carolina 9, Boiling Springs, SC 29316, USA -~3-3.5 mile loop - Brews and eats after - Courtesy New Groove Run Club!
6:15 pm - Hub City Runners Running Club - Dorman High School, 1050 Cavalier Way, Roebuck, SC 29376 -Call the store at 864-586-1150 for more information - Courtesy Hub City Runners Store!
6:30 pm - Gotta Run Monday Run
Where: BridgeWay Station
1000 Bridgeway Blvd
Simpsonville, SC 29681
United States
About: Gotta Run’s Weekly Monday Run. New!
Group: Gotta Run Five Forks
6:45 pm — Run Club Greenville Running Club, Pangaea Brewing, 115 Wellborn Street Suite A, Greenville, SC, 29601 — 2-3 miles, Courtesy Run Club Greenville

5:30 am - Splash Masters - Greenville County Aquatic Complex/Westside Aquatic Center, 2700 W. Blue Ridge Dr., Greenville, SC, 864-295-0032, (a $10 Westside pass might be required!) -1.5 hours
9:00 am - Splash Masters - Greenville County Aquatic Complex/Westside Aquatic Center, 2700 W. Blue Ridge Dr., Greenville, SC, 864-295-0032, (a $10 Westside pass might be required!) -1.5 hours
6:30 pm- Splash Masters - Greenville County Aquatic Complex/Westside Aquatic Center, 2700 W. Blue Ridge Dr., Greenville, SC, 864-295-0032, (a $10 Westside pass might be required!) -1.5 hours

10 am - Jeff’s Ride #1 - Trailblazer Park Traveler’s Rest - 40 miles @ ~16/17 mph - Courtesy Team PWA/ Jeff Michenfelder !
5:30 pm - Jeff’s Ride #2 - SCTAC Spinner’s Lot - 666 Perimeter Road - 40 miles @ ~20 mph - Courtesy Team PWA/ Jeff Michenfelder
5:45 pm - Orange Bees Tuesday Night Ride - Wild Ace Pizza & Pub, 103 Depot St, Greer, SC 29651, United States - ~30 miles, ~17 mph -
Courtesy: Orange Bees Cycling Team
5:55 pm (New to this Group!)- South Paws Tuesday Night Ride - South Paws Cycling, 164 E. Main Street Pendleton SC , A, B, C groups with C leaving first (arrive a little early!) - ~27 miles, drop ride - Courtesy South Paws Cycling
6:00 pm- Greenville Spinners Bicycle Club SCTAC Donaldson Center Tuesday Night Worlds - 666 Perimeter Road - 12-13 mph, 15 mph, 16 mph, 17 mph, 18 mph, 19 mph Country Loop routes (~20-30 miles); A and B race groups @ 24-26 mph and 21-23 mph @ 4x7 mile loops - Courtesy Greenville Spinners Bicycle Club
6:00 pm- Velo Valets Tuesday Ride- Dave Wright’s Retirement Ride with Naked Pasta After! - 14-16mph no drop - ~20-25 miles - Courtesy Velo Valets
6:00 pm - Cycle Haus Tuesday - Cycle Haus Simpsonville - 18-21 mph - ~25 miles
6:00 pm- Reidville - Reidville Elementary School - Freewheelers of Spartanburg - A+, A, B+, B, C groups - 21-23 mph down to 14-16 mph - BRING lights - courtesy Freewheelers of Spartanburg join today!

6:00 pm - Taco Tuesday Run Club - Willy Taco - Feed & Seed (near downtown) - Courtesy RUN GSP
6:00 pm - Paris Mountain Trail Tun - 2401 State Park Drive, Taylors, SC 29687 - Headlamp or waist light required!- Courtesy Upstate Running Club
6:00 pm - Trailside Trotters - The Commons at Unity Park - 3.1 miles - stay for social afterwards
6:00 pm - Rockers Run Club - Rockers
Brewing Co. Spartanburg
6:00 pm - URC Anderson Tuesday Night Run - Anderson Civic Center - Courtesy Upstate Running Club - Anderson
6:00 pm — Laurens Run with LArunz, Sarabeth Jordan Boutique, 100 S public Square, Laurens, SC, 29360, Courtesy LArunz/Grant Powers
6:30 pm - Plaza Pacers - Camperdown Plaza, Greenville - ~ 3 miles - Courtesy Matt Paolillo/@Reliving Performance
6:30 pm - Bubble Gum Trail Run in Belton - Meet at the Belton Library - Courtesy Tri-Town Running Club (Williamson, West Pelzer, Pelzer)
6:30 pm - Tuesday Group Run - Easley City Hall - Head to Pint Station after for brews - Courtesy Easley Run Club
7:00 pm - Running for Brews - Cheaper than Therapy - Meet at Southernside Brewing Co., Delano Dr, Unit D, Greenville SC 29601
United States - Brews after! - Courtesy Running for Brews Greenville - 5k Beer Running Club

6:00 am - Greenville Splash Masters - Salvation Army Kroc Center - 424 Westfield St., Greenville SC (864-527-5948)
7:00 am - Sportsclub Swim Club - Sportsclub Five Forks - Try First Session with Us Free

- 1 hr

3:30 pm - Punisher Magellan Carolyn’s Hump Day Ride - Cycle Haus Simpsonville, 101 S Main St- 16-18 mph steady 22-30 miles
4:15 pm - Sloth Ride Simpsonville - Cycle Haus Simpsonville, 101 S Main St - slow 13-14.5 mph - 18-20 miles
6:00 pm (FEATURED)- Cycle Haus Simpsonville Wednesday Recovery Ride - Cycle Haus Simpsonville, 101 S Main St - No drop 16-18 mph - ~27 miles, With Greenville Spinners Bicycle Club Social After

6:00 pm - Wednesday’s Holliday Brewing Bikes and Brews Ride Kickoff (With after ride dinner!) - 16.5-17 avg pace - Holliday Brewery, 12 Propect St Inman, SC - Courtesy Freewheelers of Spartanburg,
Michael Forrester and Mickey Smith
6:00 pm - Lake 2 Landrum Ride - Bowen's Landing Restaurant Parking Lot (*rear*), 8681 SC-9, Inman, SC 29349 - Two groups- B @ 15 mph for ~26 miles, A @ 17 mph for ~31 miles, Eats after; Courtesy Freewheelers of Spartanburg, Steve Verdell and Kelly Verdell
6:00 pm - Velo Valets Beginner Friendly Wednesday Paris Mtn Climb Ride - Velo Valets, 2901 Old Buncombe Rd, Greenville, SC 29609 - 13-15 mph no drop - ~18-20 miles - BRING LIGHTS!,
6:30 pm - Women’s Wednesdays Road Ride at South Paws - South Paw Cycles - 13-15 mph -
Participants must have a bike in good working condition, helmet, way to fix a flat, and hydration/nutrition.
Future rides can be found on the Spond app:

*5:15/5:30 am - URC Tempo Run from Hampton Inn Downtown Greer - Courtesy Upstate Running Club
6:00 am - Aimee Trepanier’s Swamp Rabbit Trail Morning Run - The Commons, Greenville - 3-5 miles - Courtesy Aimee Trepanier/ Upstate Running Club
8:00am - Tri-Town Running Morning Run - Mineral Springs Park in Williamston. Open to all paces and levels, are walker friendly and child friendly. Tri-Town Running
6:00 pm - Weekly Wednesday Track Workouts - Greenville High School -Greenville Track Club/Michael Burchett
6:00 pm - Double Stamp Brewery SRT Run (with beer and bites after!) - Double Stamp Brewery - 4 miles @ your own pace - Upstate Running Club/Matthew Hammersmith
6:00 pm — Dorman Track Rub Club, Dorman High School Track, 1050 Cavalier Way, Roebuck, SC 29376, Courtesy @Run in the Burg
6:15 pm - Hub City Runners Running Club - Dorman High School, 1050 Cavalier Way, Roebuck, SC 29376 -Call the store at 864-586-1150 for more information - Courtesy Hub City Runners Store!
*Not confirmed

5:30 am - Splash Masters - Greenville County Aquatic Complex/Westside Aquatic Center, 2700 W. Blue Ridge Dr., Greenville, SC, 864-295-0032, (a $10 Westside pass might be required!) -1.5 hours
9:00 am - Splash Masters - Greenville County Aquatic Complex/Westside Aquatic Center, 2700 W. Blue Ridge Dr., Greenville, SC, 864-295-0032, (a $10 Westside pass might be required!) -1.5 hours
6:30 pm - Splash Masters - Greenville County Aquatic Complex/Westside Aquatic Center, 2700 W. Blue Ridge Dr., Greenville, SC, 864-295-0032, (a $10 Westside pass might be required!) -1.5 hours

8:30 am (from 10:00 am previously)- Jeff’s Morning Ride - Trailblazer Park - 30 miles with hard effort up Paris at the end - Courtesy Team PWA/Jeff Michenfelder
5:30 pm - South Paws Thursday Night Ride - 377 Hobson Road, Anderson, South Carolina, 29621 - ~ 2 hours at ~17-19 mph (be prepared to be able to ride 30 miles at a minimum of 17 mph but it is No-Drop) - Courtesy South Paws Cycling
6:00 pm (It’s back!!) -

Strawberry Hill Ride - Strawberry Hill, 3097 SC 11, Chesnee SC - B Group 17.5 mph, 27 miles, C Group 14.5-15 mph, 25-27 miles- BRING LIGHTS - Courtesy Spartanburg Freewheelers!
6:00 pm - Reidville Thursday Nights - Reidville Elementary 520 Main Street Reidville, SC 29375 - Groups range from 15 mph to 22 mph in A+, A, B+, B, C categories - 18 - 22 miles - dinner at Los Mexicanos after; bring lights!! -Freewheelers of Spartanburg/Tony McAbee
6:00 pm/6:05 pm - Cycle Haus/Punisher Magellan Thursday Race- Cycle Haus (126 S Main Street, Simpsonville, SC) - A group goes off at 6 pm; this is a drop ride 21-23 mph so be prepared - B group goes off at 6:05; also a drop ride but steadier pacelines at 19 mph - 21 mph - ~28 miles -Cycle Haus Simpsonville/Punisher Magellan
6:00 pm - VV Paris Ride - Velo Valets (2901 Old Buncome Road) - ~20 miles climbing Paris Mountain - ~14-16mph - Velo Valets
6:00 pm - Boyd/Rocket Revolution Thursday Night Ride! -Freehub Traveler’s Rest - A and B Groups 25-30 miles! -Boyd/Rocket Revolution Courtesy Freehub TR
6:15 pm: WOW Ride - Women on Wheels - Freehub TR; 306 S Main St, Travelers Rest, SC 29690-1816, United States - 12-13 mph pace for 14 miles! - Courtesy Debbie Milne/Supra Performance Cycling and Freehub TR!

6:00 pm - We RUN IN Simpsonville Thursday Night - RUN IN Simpsonville - Socialize at 1885 after! - Courtesy Upstate Running Club
6:00 pm - Fleet Feet Run Club - Location Varies (Greenville see below) - courtesy Fleet Feet Sports
6:00 pm - Tri-Town Running Club Thursday Run - The Lincoln Taproom in West Pelzer
6:00 pm - URC Anderson Thursday Run, Magnetic South, Anderson, Courtesy Upstate Running Club Anderson
6:00 pm - Willy Way Run Club - Willy Taco
Hub-City, 930 E Main Street, Spartanburg -
Courtesy Willy Way Run Club
6:00 pm: Tyger River Club Run - Tyger River Park, Spartanburg
6:30 pm - Greer Run club - La Bouteille - Courtesy Greer Run Club
6:30 pm: West End Elementary Run, West End Elementary, Easley

6:00 am - Greenville Splash Masters - Salvation Army Kroc Center
424 Westfield St., Greenville, SC, 864-527-5948 -1 hr - Try first session!
7:00 am - Sportsclub Swim Club - Sportsclub Five Forks - Try First Session with Us Free

- 1 hr
7:00 am - Splash Masters - Greenville County Aquatic Complex/Westside Aquatic Center, 2700 W. Blue Ridge Dr., Greenville, SC, 864-295-0032, (a $10 Westside pass might be required!) -1.5 hours -Try the first session!
9:00 am - Splash Masters - Greenville County Aquatic Complex/Westside Aquatic Center, 2700 W. Blue Ridge Dr., Greenville, SC, 864-295-0032, (a $10 Westside pass might be required!) -1.5 hours - Try the first session!

6:00 am - Dawn Patrol - Starbucks, S Main Street, Greenville, SC - ~20 miles with a Paris climb - Bring Lights!! - Courtesy Village Wrench

: ****(Any Recs?)****

7:00 am - Splash Masters - Greenville County Aquatic Complex/Westside Aquatic Center, 2700 W. Blue Ridge Dr., Greenville, SC, 864-295-0032, (a $10 Westside pass might be required!) -1.5 hours -Try the first session!

7:30 am - Trek Store Ride - Trek Store, Greenville - No-drop ~20 miles @13-15 mph - Courtesy Trek Store Greenville
8:00 am (FEATURED PARTNER!) - Benchmark Bicycle Saturday Morning Ride - Benchmark Bicycles, 207 Randall Street, Greer, SC, 29651 - ~24 miles - ~1100 ft elevation - 13-15 mph no drop - Tri Bikes Welcome! - No riding in the pouring rain or below 32 degrees
8:00 am - Greenville Bike and Tri Shop Ride - A and B groups , 18-19 mph and 15-17 mph, ~30 miles - Courtesy Greenville Bike and Tri -
9:00 am - Cycle Haus Saturday - Cycle Haus Simpsonville - A and B groups at ~20 mph anc ~18 mph - ~ 40 miles
9:00 am - Freehub TR Shop Ride - TR (110 S Main St, Travelers Rest, SC 29690) and Five Forks (1832 Woodruff Rd, Greenville, SC 29607, United States) - Both 20-25 miles at 13-15 pace (no drop), with an additional ride at the TR Location 30-40 miles

6:30 am - Upstate Running Club Anderson Long Run - Playground at Unity Park - Varied mileage and paces - Courtesy Claire Blanton/ Upstate Running Club - Anderson
7:00 am - Run Club Saturday Run - Varied paces and distances - Pangaea Brewing - Courtedy Run Club Greenville

2:00 pm - Sweet Sippin’ Sunday Recovery - Sweet Sippin’ Simpsonville - 15-17 mph pace - ~23.5 miles - Courtesy Sweet Sippin’ Sports
2:00 pm - Sunday Reidville Ride - Reidville Elementary School, 520 Main St, Reidville SC, ~28 miles, B and C Pace; Courtesy Spartanburg Freewheelers

7:00 am - URC Anderson Morning Run - Ingles Parking Lot, Anderson - Courtesy Upstate Running Club - Anderson